How Share Insurance Protects Your Money
It’s unsettling to see significant swings in the stock market or to observe exchanges among political leaders about the best financial course for the country. Right now, turmoil in the economy has many consumers feeling uneasy. Understandably, you might be concerned or worried.
You can be reassured on one point: the security and stability of your accounts with First Florida Credit Union are in good standing and always federally insured to at least $250,000, backed by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). The NCUA administers the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. Federal insurance protects your money in credit union share savings, share draft/checking, money market, share certificate, trust, and retirement accounts.
Also, it separately insures individual and joint accounts. For example, say you have an individual account containing $250,000 and a joint account with your spouse containing $250,000. Each account is insured separately for a total coverage of $500,000.
First Florida maintains a well-capitalized and strong financial position—a safety net of undivided earnings and other reserves— that helps us weather changes in the economy. In addition, credit unions work closely with federal and state regulators that routinely examine business practices to ensure we’re observing safe and sound operations.
If you’re doing business with other financial institutions and you’re concerned about your finances, a First Florida representative can help talk through your options. Whether you’d like to review current loans for refinancing at better terms or find out about savings plans to help you attain your goals, we’re here to help.
Credit unions provide financial benefits to members through lower loan rates, higher saving rates, and fewer fees than large banks. National studies show that credit union member households, on average, save about $225 a year over other consumers.
With First Florida Credit Union, you’re always in good hands. Visit FirstFlorida.org to explore the many financial options at your fingertips.