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Tactics to Live Debt-Free

Life is about the experiences you have, the memories you make, and doing what makes you happy along the way. A part of being able to enjoy life is fueled by the ability to sustain the lifestyle you choose.

This can be difficult if you’re constantly battling debt. Believe it or not, there are key characteristics found in folks who seem to have the debt-free lifestyle down pat. Take it from the experts and learn how to keep debt down so you can enjoy the perks of life.

1. Be Goal-driven

Too often people look at their goals on a grand scale. When it comes to debt, be driven by smaller goals that tackle debt in an achievable way. Once you've tackled it, make a goal to save more money so you don't need to go in the negative.

2. Make More Matter Less

Steer clear of the more stuff, more money, more debt trap by committing to staying away from obtaining more stuff that doesn’t add significant value to your life.

3. Practice Control

Just say no to the marketing ploys that dangle the latest and greatest gadget at every turn. Having control over impulse buys and items you truly don’t need can save you a lot of money over time.

4. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Think positively about eating in more than you're eating out and using items until the need to be replaced. Those sacrifices are small potatoes compared to living debt-free.

5. Consistency

Make a goal, reach your goal in whatever way works for you, and stick with it. It may seem like a long process when you first begin, but time will go by regardless. You'll be much happier if you're debt-free in the end.

By the time you reach debt-free status, you'll have hopefully acquired a new approach to your finances so you remain debt-free. The pleasures of peace of mind far outweigh the instant gratification of stuff you inevitably don't need.

Source: Wise Bread


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